There are times when standard hearing aids are not the best options for people who are suffering from hearing impairment. In some cases, bone-anchored hearing aid surgery is a more suitable solution. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of this option. These are the same people who complain when they go for hearing aids Adelaide and find out that it doesn’t work for them. It’s time you get to know bone-anchored hearing aids and why they can be relevant to your case.


What are Bone-anchored Hearing Aids?

Unlike traditional hearing aids, bone-anchored hearing aid is a device that’s surgically implanted. This method treats hearing loss through bone conduction of sound vibrations to the inner ear. That makes it different from standard hearing aids, which doesn’t treat hearing loss and can only magnify acoustic sounds that enter the ear canal. It’s also the reason why bone-anchored hearing aids are considered specialty devices for certain hearing loss conditions.


Why Choose Bone-anchored Hearing Systems?

Hearing aids Adelaide are still the number one option when it comes to hearing loss. But certain cases give rise to the need for bone-anchored hearing aid surgery. This system works best for people who have at least one inner ear that functions normally. The patient may have conductive hearing loss, which means their outer ears don’t transmit sound correctly. In some cases, they also have complete hearing loss in one ear only. Bone-anchored hearing aids don’t work when you have two of your ears damaged.


Who Can Benefit from Bone-anchored Hearing Aids?

Bone anchored hearing aids bypass problems by sending sound vibrations directly to the inner ear via your skull bone. This method can be helpful since the ear canal, and middle ear problems might hamper sound waves and signals from entering the inner ear. In these cases, a standard hearing aid is ineffective. The most likely candidates for a bone-anchored hearing aid surgery are adults or children who are suffering from severe outer or middle ear malfunctions, or those with single-sided deafness.


These are the reasons why people who typically get the best benefits from bone-anchored hearing aid systems would include those who have severe outer or middle ear malfunctions, as well as those with single-sided deafness. If you’re suffering from this type of hearing impairment, you might need more than hearing aids Adelaide. Do you think you’re fit for a bone-anchored hearing aid surgery? Find out now! Visit our website and book an appointment with us.